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  • Elaine Sim

Labour Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) Sarawak - Legalise your overstayed workers

Updated: Apr 18

Sarawak's Labour Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) is now live from 1 July 2023 to 31 December 2023.

What is the Labour Recalibration Program (RTK2.0)?

Labour Recalibration Program is a temporary measure by the government to legalise overstayed foreign workers in Malaysia. This is often introduced by the government, when there is serious labour shortage and a high number of overstayed foreign workers.

Key points to note:

  • Only workers who have committed an overstaying offence before 31 December 2022 can be considered.

  • Only employers in the approved sectors and workers from the approved source countries can apply.

What are the approved sectors?

The approved sectors are:

  • manufacturing, construction, agriculture, plantation, mining and quarry industry or services industry

  • Sub sector services industry such as restaurants or eateries, sanitation and cleaning, wholesale and retail, cargo operators, spas, massage centers, launderettes, used metal operators and land warehouses

What are the approved countries?

The approved source countries are Indonesia, Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Filipina, Kemboja, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan dan China.

What is the cost?

The total fees per worker = Recalibration fee + Levy + Pas + Proses + Visa

  • Recalibration fee: RM1,500 per worker

  • Levy

    • Agriculture RM410

    • Plantation RM590

    • Manufacturing RM1010

    • Construction RM1010

    • Services RM1490

    • Mining and Quarrying RM1490

    • Domestic helpers RM410 (not yet available for RTK in Sarawak)

  • Pass RM60

  • Process RM125

  • Visa (Following the nationality)

Have more questions about the program? Find the FAQ provided by the government here.

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