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How to manage your domestic helper's (maid) schedule in Malaysia?

Elaine Sim

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Finding the right balance between sufficient rest and productive work for your domestic helpers requires structure and some experience. With a clear schedule, employers can rest assured that expectations are clearly communicated. This helps near helpers settle in more readily to your household and pick up your household routine within a matter of weeks!

You can start by thinking about the daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal tasks that you would like the domestic helper to assist with.

From here, you can start scheduling your domestic helper's schedule and tweak it along the way to make it work for your family and the domestic helper.

For example, daily tasks can be listed like this:


Wake up and start preparing breakfast


Wake children up and help them get ready for school


Breakfast is ready

730am - 10am

Have breakfast, collect laundry from rooms, start laundry, clean rooms, and take out garbage from rooms, hand laundry

10am - 11am

Rest time

11am - 1pm

Prepare and serve lunch, wash dishes, eat lunch

1pm - 230pm

Collect laundry, iron clothes, fold clothes and put them back to cupboards

2:30pm - 3:30pm


3:30pm to 5pm

Prepare ingredients for dinner, wait for children arrival, play with children, help them get ready for dinner

5pm - 7pm

Prepare dinner, set table, help children with eating, eat dinner

7 - 8pm

Wipe down kitchen, do the dishes, take out the garbage


Wind down

Weekly tasks can be assigned to a specific day of the week:

Monday: Change bedsheets and towels

Tuesday: Clean the toilets

Wednesday: Deep clean the kitchen

Thursday: Clean the air purifiers

Friday: Clean the study room

Saturday: Mop floors and stairs and wipe dust from surfaces

Sunday: Off day

Lastly, monthly tasks and seasonal tasks can be assigned on an ad hoc basis.

To prevent your domestic helper from burning out, it's important to provide sufficient rest time during the day and encourage your domestic helper to take their rest days.

Domestic helpers draw a lot of support from their peers. It is highly beneficial for the family and the domestic helper if the domestic helper is able to build their own community and support system outside the family home.

For domestic helpers who are hired for caregiving needs, it's important to significantly reduce the housekeeping tasks for the domestic helper and avoid assigning any additional care tasks, such as caring for children or pets.

Domestic helpers who are hired as caregiver are most prone to burn out. To enable the domestic helper to care diligently for your loved ones, ensure that sufficient rest is provided and encouraged.

So this is how you can manage your new domestic helper's schedule! We hope you've found this post helpful. Comment and share if you did!

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